Only Winners Apply
Definition of loser 1: a person or thing that loses especially consistently 2: a person who is incompetent or unable to succeed There is...
New Game, New Year
New game for the new year. Unowned subs pick a Domme (or two, or three...). Owned subs, your choice is already made. Find out what...
Sadly Not a Fit
Had a lovely sub approach me several months ago. This submissive man was looking for TPE. He was very pleasant. His manners were...
My Favorite Things
Packages stuffed with all kinds of goodies Boxes full of boots and cute leather booties Well behaved subs all tied up with string these...
Secret Santa sub
Time for a Holiday Game. Unowned subs can play. Perfect for the ho ho ho community subs. The basic concept of the Secret Santa game is...
I enjoy many things that are considered nerdy. I was curious where the phrase "to pay through the nose" comes from. In 800 to 900 A.D, ...