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Only Winners Apply

Updated: May 18, 2021

Definition of loser

1: a person or thing that loses especially consistently

2: a person who is incompetent or unable to succeed

There is a huge difference between desiring another person's strength and being a loser that buzzes around just to glimpse what they know they do not deserve. Personally, I do not want losers in my stable. I like winners. I like men that crave strength in others and succeed in their economic lives.

A true loser has no value. Why would anybody want one? What is the point of having a loser that can do nothing for you? If you cannot add to my life, no need to apply. Give me the winner that craves me. I enjoy intelligence, perseverance, a strong drive, not complacent, lazy, or unmotivated people. I surround myself with winners.

Losers can go elsewhere. I want winners that are smart enough to kneel at my feet. Winners will happily enrich my life. Only winners should enter my world. Losers, good luck with your search.

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