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Know Your Limits

People amaze and sadden me at times. I am meeting with a new sub this week. I asked what his limits were. I like to know these things prior to a first meet.

Me: I want to know your limits and we will establish a safe word.

Sub: I don't have limits Ma,am.

Me: Great, so I may kill you during session?

Sub: Uh no, you can't kill me.

Me: So death is a limit? What are your other limits?

Sub: I don't have any.

Me: Great, so I can cut off your cock and ram it up your ass?

Sub: Nooo Ma'am. No don't do that.

Me: No mutilation? That is a limit. Again, what are your limits?

(This time he paused) Sub: I am not sure.

The moral of the story, know your limits prior to setting up a meet. Safe, Sane, and Consensual should be in mind at all times.

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