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Time to step up your game subs. Adding extras in for your Domme is always desired. There are many ways to save money, so you have extra for her. It is a good idea for subs to look at their spending and see what can be eliminated or narrowed down.

I am a believer in getting good quality when shopping. Things that last might cost a bit more at first, but last longer than cheaply made items. Not everything you buy needs to be the best quality. Look to see what needs to last long term and what can be cheaper.

When grocery shopping. Shop the sales. Use coupons. Look for generic versus name brands. Some stores have discount areas, look there for bargains. Do eat healthy foods, but keep to a budget.

Shop around for better and less expensive insurance. This can be on the house, renters, or vehicle insurances. Some companies gift nice savings for bundling your policies.

Make your coffee at home. Make a whole pot and carry a thermos. You will save a fortune if you quit buying specialty coffees at coffee shops. Do regular maintenance on your vehicle. Repairs are expensive, so take care of your ride. A well tuned and properly aired tire on your car gets better gas mileage. Walk more versus driving as well, saves on gasoline purchases. Get a bicycle even.

Be creative subs. Find ways to save. Imagine how pleased your Domme will be with all of the extras. Good luck.

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