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Training, Ladies

Updated: May 18, 2021

A TickTock video does not miraculously turn you into a Domme, nor does a YouTube video. It takes lots of training. I am currently taking Shabari classes. The reason I am learning from a seasoned instructor, versus just watching videos online or reading a book, I want to make sure I learn how to play properly. I want to know what can cause pleasure, pain, and damage. I want to tie safely. Safety is the reason you should seek proper training.

There are so many aspects in a dominant scenario that can be dangerous. If you do not know the proper procedures, not only can you hurt another individual, or yourself, you could end up in legal issues. A great example is forced intoxication. Unless you know the submissive well, you may not know if they have a medical issue that alcohol will aggravate. For example, a submissive is diabetic, and drinking copious amounts of alcohol can be very dangerous quickly. What happens if they go into a coma? If the submissive is home alone, how are they going to seek medical help if something serious goes wrong? If you do not know the submissive well you probably do not have their phone number or their home address or know their medical history. If you do not know what you are doing or who, how are you able to calculate how much alcohol their body can safely handle?

If you are in a scenario that you were directing and it causes someone harm, you are liable for it. Using the excuse that you did not know better does not work in a court of law. Unless you are a master at rerouting your IP address, it is not that hard for law-enforcement to find you. Training can help you avoid legal entanglements. Check the laws in your area to know what is legal. Knowing what is not legal and what the punishment is, should you be caught, does help determine what you are willing to do. I encourage new ladies to research. Research online and find resources and training in your area. Find a local dungeon and get some training. SSC (IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT THAT IS, LOOK IT UP NOW!)

Good luck with your journey.

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